Funny, I have often thought of doing the same thing myself. I work with a guy who is a pentecostal minister (not the snake- handling sort) and I do side work for a Baptist lady who is interested in some of the things I've found out about the WTS. In the small town that I live in, however, I need to put such an adventure off until I'm completely out of the bORG.
The Last Nephilim
JoinedPosts by The Last Nephilim
by Sunnygal41 inthe topic: jehovah's witnesses, harmless religion?
there were a small group of ex's that had been invited by a local church to speak of their experiences as jehovah's witnesses..............god it felt sooo good to tell about the unbiblical practices of shunning and disfellowshipping, of the cult mentality and the wounds so many ex's carry from the legalistic mentality and behavior.
the two books crisis of conscience and in search of christian freedom were shared with all present..........about 30 to 40 people.
Jehovah's Witnesses: Disassociation and Lawsuits, I have a question!!
by isnrblog inmany of you who have or had been jehovahs witnesses for sometime will remember that back before say 1980 or so, the congregation could disassociate an unbaptized person and that person was treated as disfellowshipped.
that happened a lot, pre 1980.. .
for example, as a teenager in the 60s, several of the teenagers in my cong were disassociated and treated as disfellowshipped .
The Last Nephilim
The was an unbaptized publisher in our cong about whom they announced "So- and- so is no longer an unbaptized publisher." I don't know what he did, but his door- to- door "privilege" was revoked and I think his commenting privileges at meetings, although he never commented anyway so it's hard to tell. He was later "reinstated" as an UP.
Funny thing about the whole scenario- when they announced he was back, a few people stared to applaud, but the elder making the announcement got a stern look on his face and shook his head no at the audience! I almost laughed out loud!! The same happened later on when someone who was DF'd got RI'd. Same elder made the announcement and gave the same stern head- shaking glare at the audience!! Priceless!!
I personally don't see what the big deal is... -
What is the motives of the GB?
by sweet pea inok guys and dolls, want your input here.
a friend of mine has a question...... .
"the brothers in bethel/headquarters seem very sincere and loving - what possible motive would they have in trying to deceive people, what do they get out of it?
The Last Nephilim
Without reading the other responses- here's mine. Maybe someone had a similar thought.
Why do actors act? Often they play characters in movies that are nothing like the real them. Answer- $$$
What motive does the GB have? They get a free place to live, free paycheck (small or not), no bills, and all they have to do is hang out in fancy buildings and make decisions that control 7 million people's lives like puppets. When you consider that the GB members are JWs with decades in the bORG and no formal education or professional skills, the payoff isn't bad! -
How long has this site been around? (New Guy)
by josh1029 ini always knew others had the same thoughts and ideas as i had ... but i never could have imagined that it was on this large of a scale.
wow ... people who understand and will not judge.. little about me:.
i am the son of an elder.
The Last Nephilim
Welcome, Josh! Sounds like you and I have some similarities. My first wife was a JW and cheated on me repeatedly as well. Maybe this is more common than I thought among JW girls??? Anyway, nice to meet ya!
JW's are an honest people
by freedomfighter inhi anyone been "ripped-off" by witnesses?.
here is my experience:.
was married with my wife 4 mths pregnant, when my father-inlaw ( who was dying of asbestosis ) offered for us to join with them in building a new house.
The Last Nephilim
I just thought of another instance of being ripped off by JWs that we can all relate to! How about the promise of eternal life in Paradise in exchange for all your years of servitude in "this system" only to find out it's a big scam!?
JW's are an honest people
by freedomfighter inhi anyone been "ripped-off" by witnesses?.
here is my experience:.
was married with my wife 4 mths pregnant, when my father-inlaw ( who was dying of asbestosis ) offered for us to join with them in building a new house.
The Last Nephilim
My latest story is not as bad as yours, but my main one is. The latest rip- off was my DF'd ex (now RI) stiffing me with sales tax on a car we bought for her while still married. We bought the car out -of -state and were not charged sales tax for the state we reside in. We were unaware, thinking that everything was included in the final financed amount. Years go by, the car is traded for another, then the divorce comes. Almost a decade later, the state comes after me (loan was in my name) for the taxes + penalties + interest!!! She and I were to settle marital debt ourselves before the divorce was finalized. However, we didn't know about this and the divorce was finalized anyway. I informed her of this new development and all I asked her for was "help" with it. She fussed and moaned about it, first saying that it's too late, there's a statute of limitations, blah blah... I checked into that and she was wrong. Needless to say, after consulting with her new husband, they decided that "to avoid any hard feelings 10 years down the road", they were just going to let it be my problem since I'm the one legally responsible. Of course, the elders slapped me with 1Corinthians 6:1-5 saying I shouldn't take her to court over it, and since she was already DF'd at the time there was nothing they could do, either. I was royally "----ed"!!!
The major screwing I received from her was this- In our divorce decree we agreed to share custody of our kids, no child support. This worked out wonderfully for the kids. When I remarried, she flew off the handle even though SHE was the one who cheated on me and SHE was the one insisting on divorce and breaking up the family, and she trumped up accusations on me and we went back to court over custody. Without bringing ANYTHING as evidence except her mouth, the judge awarded her custody. So, more than any amount of money is worth, I got screwed out of my own children!!!
I forgot to mention that her JW father is an "old friend" of the judge!! -
Satan is busier closer to the end, so shouldn't he and demons be......
by oompa in...flying about, attacking just about every witness when they least suspect it?
like when taking a crap?
or take us over when making love causing us to do dispicable things in bed?
The Last Nephilim
The demons are hard at work, oompa! Remember "wolf in sheep's clothing" right? That "wolf" has claimed almost 7 million people's lives by making them willingly accept him and his lies by disguising itself as God's "ONLY channel". Just imagine the billions of dollars going into this effort, the mindless slaves at headquarters working to make up and put into print all the lies... All the while Satan kicks back. He doesn't have to work hard, he delegates to the GB! See, I figured it all out!!! YAY!!!
Favorite books of all time....?
by inkling inok, so i'm looking for a new book to start reading.... any genre, any style.. what are you favorite books of all time?.
The Last Nephilim
Anything by RA Slavatore, especially the Dark Elf Trilogy
"The Talisman" by Stephen King & Peter Straub -
Science fiction book suggestions...
by zeroday ini love science fiction books and have run into a dry spell.
i have read alot of david weber but he has been quite slow with new books lately...anyone have any good suggestions for a good read...i need 5 star authors with "blow your socks off" books...any suggestions...
The Last Nephilim
I know this is not what you asked for, but as an alternative to science fiction I'd like to suggest fantasy fiction, particularly anything written by RA Salvatore. More specifically, the Dark Elf Trilogy (and other books that follow) which features his most popular character, perhaps the most popular in the Forgotten Realms setting!
I was reading these books and stopped when I was assimilated into the bORG. I have some catching up to do, but after I finish CoC! -
Program jws have to locate each other in emergency
by Velvetann indid anyone hear about the special program the jws had or have for locating each one of the faithful ones when the great tribulation occurs or something like that.
my jw mom who passed away in 2006 was going on and on about this but i didn't want to ask to much.
i would get an earful of preaching then.
The Last Nephilim
I think I know what you're talking about- After missing over a month's worth of meetings, we finally went to one, the Sunday before the CO's visit. The cong secretary rushed up to me and handed me a couple of sheets stapled together and said it was info on how to contact us in case of an emergency. It was obvious to me that it was something they needed on file so their records would look good for the CO the following Tuesday, which is exactly why he told me that it would be good if I could get it filled out and back to him by then. It's still in my briefcase, not a drop of my ink on it. There probably never will be, either...